Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thanksgiving Spent Differently

This Thanksgiving, I spent my break in San Juan, Dominican Republic completing my second mission trip. Being away from family is never easy, but returning to a beautiful country with familiar faces made it so much easier. One week in San Juan is too short, but a memorable week once again.

This is week is more than learning about their culture, more than a day visiting different areas, more than a day of construction and teaching in the schools. This past week was about interacting with the people of San Juan and hearing their stories. I could post all of my pictures and write all about my experiences, but it will never be enough to truly represent the Dominican Republic. Returning to the Dominican Republic meant I got a second chance to reconnect with everyone I met last year and make new memories. One of the biggest things that will stick with me, is one of the little girls in the neighborhood behind the clinic, remembered me from last year. It made me so happy to turn the corner into their neighborhood and see her running towards me. 

This year was different than last year in what all we were able to do when in the Dominican. This year, we have two days of clinics, a day of construction and a day education in the local school, CCED. I always love doing clinics because i get the amazing opportunity to interact with patients, learn about common health problems in the Dominican Republic and walk through the community with the pastor and see the culture and lifestyle of Dominicans. Something new this year was being involved with construction. The current clinic is in a flood zone so they are building a new one about five minutes away. We helped finish the outside wall which will act as a security wall. The team was determined to finish the west side of the wall and I am so very happy to say we did. 

It is never easy the Dominican Republic because of all the people you meet. I have a lot of the people i have met of social media, so I can keep up with their lives. Unfortunately, social media does too justice. I am so thankful for the amazing opportunity to spend the past two Thanksgiving's in San Juan. I can inly hope that next year I get the opportunity to as well.  


  1. Courtney,
    This is so amazing. I think what your group did is a perfect way to give thanks. Holidays have become over-glorified and have lost a lot of their meaning. I respect that you gave back when you could have been spending time with your family. You made someone else's family better.

  2. A very bittersweet article. Another Thanksgiving away from home but I know you enjoyed last year in the DR n I didn't want you to miss this year after you worked all summer to save up to go. A lot of valuable experiences, eye opening moments, and new friendships.
